The RIGHT leader at the RIGHT time!

Jeff Pfannerstill

As a lifetime resident of WI, long-time resident of the district, proud father of 4 boys, and current Village President of Hartland (since 2017), Jeff Pfannerstill has the track record of leadership qualities that it takes to keep moving this district forward.

  • Current Village President of Hartland, WI (since 2017)
  • WISRED Initiative 2023 Municipal Leader of the Year
  • Conservative Republican
  • Proud Father of 4 Boys
  • Helped create a law in Hartland that placed restrictions on sex offenders moving into the area
  • Keeps taxes low in Hartland and institutes new, innovative ways to get value for every dollar.
  • Currently serving as the Chairman of the Plan Commission, Board of Review, Architectural Board, and Joint Review Board since 2017
  • Restructured TIF Districts 4 & 6, saving Hartland $350,000
  • He listened to the people during COVID when others were shut down and did not cancel the fireworks or parade for the Hartland Hometown Celebration
  • Ran against a 26-year incumbent for Village President in 2017 and won

Jeff Pfannerstill for Wisconsin

What I Stand For



April 11, 2024
To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express support for Jeff Pfannerstill as our next State Assembly representative. Having observed him closely over the years, I am confident that he possesses the qualities and dedication necessary to serve our community effectively. In Jeff, we have a proven leader who understands the challenges facing our district and is committed to finding innovative solutions. His track record as Hartland Village President speaks for itself as he has continuously demonstrated his ability to bring people together, prioritize the needs of all constituents, and effect positive change. As our representative in the State Assembly, Jeff will advocate tirelessly for everyone in our district ensuring that our voices are heard in Madison. I urge you to join me in supporting Jeff Pfannerstill for State Assembly.

With his leadership, I am confident that we can build a brighter future for our district and beyond.


John Barnes
School Board Member at a School District in Lake Country
Oconomowoc Business Owner

John Barnes

April 14, 2024

Please support Jeff Pfannerstill for the seat in the next State Assembly. As a representative Jeff will take the time to research, seek advice, understand the issue and respond accordingly with the needs of the constituents’ best interest. That has always been Jeff’s priority to his constituents and having a positive change for the future. As the Hartland Village President his track record speaks for itself.

As a resident, owner of a business, Business Improvement District President and owning property in the Village of Hartland, I know Jeff will help shape, in a positive way, our Community, District and State.

Please join me in supporting Jeff Pfannerstill with your vote for Wisconsin Assembly’s District 99th seat.


Steve Berger
Hartland Resident
Hartland Business Owner
Hartland Property Owner residential and Village Downtown
Hartland Business Improvement District President

Steve Berger

April 17, 2024

I am proudly writing a letter of endorsement as a current Village of Hartland Trustee in my second term, Village of Hartland Library Board member, and 26-year resident of Hartland. I have been a Head Coach for Arrowhead Girls Lacrosse for 12 years, achieving 8 State titles. After retiring for 1 year from coaching, I am back to coaching again. I am now on my 2nd Year as Oconomowoc High School Girls Lacrosse Head Coach, and I love providing leadership to our young athletes.

I have known Jeff for most of his years as Village President, and we have developed a great friendship. Jeff has done incredible things as President of the Village of Hartland. Most notably, he has accomplished lowering taxes for residents 7 years in a row while controlling expenses for our tax base.

Jeff has helped support numerous conservative candidates to get elected on school boards and local municipal boards, and he also worked with me to help coordinate the 2020 Back the Badge – Trump Rally at Nixon Park in Hartland.

During the difficult times of the Covid Pandemic, while many municipalities shut down, the Village of Hartland was one of the only communities in the County to hold our annual Parade and remain open thanks to Jeff and our local Board leadership.

Jeff is ready to take the next step for State Assembly and has my full support.

Thomas J Truttschel
Village of Hartland Trustee
Head Coach Oconomowoc High School Girls Lacrosse

Tom Truttschel

May 1, 2024

RE: Endorsement of Jeffrey Pfannerstill
State Assembly District 99

This letter is to show my support for Jeffrey Pfannerstill who is running to represent the 99th district in the Wisconsin State Assembly.  I worked closely with Jeff while I was the Chief of Police for the Village of Hartland at the time Jeff started his service to the Village of Hartland as the Village President. I found Jeff to be attentive to the needs of both citizens and staff in the village.  he worked in a manner to provide quality service to the citizens in a fiscally responsible way.  Jeff demonstrated leadership as he worked to move Hartland forward yet was cautions not to place an unnecessary burden on taxpayers.  Jeff demonstrated with both staff and his elected colleagues that collaborative work had more value than adversarial conflicts with no resolutions.

During my work with Jeff, I watched him take time to learn the issues at hand before charging ahead with opinions.  I believe that Jeff would work well with others in Madison to improve Wisconsin.  For these reasons I support Jeff in his effort to become the next representative of the 99th District.


Michael Bagin
Retired Chief of Police
Hartland, WI


Michael Bagin


Dear Fellow District 99 Residents,

I am thrilled to personally endorse Jeff Pfannerstill for State Assembly.  As a dedicated member of our community and the current Hartland Village President, Jeff has consistently demonstrated exemplary local leadership, resilience, and a commitment to mentorship.  I have chosen to endorse Jeff because of his relentless commitment to true conservative values while respectfully remaining open to all viewpoints.  This is how I want to be represented in District 99.

During my own school board election, Jeff’s guidance and support were invaluable.  Jeff’s strategic insights were invaluable in navigating constituent outreach and addressing inquiries on a daily basis.  He’s amazing at seeing the big picture while still acting locally.  His leadership has been instrumental in keeping our taxes low, enhancing village services, and expanding our parks.  Additionally, Jeff’s efforts have played a crucial role in attracting new businesses to our area, fostering economic growth, and ensuring a vibrant future for all residents.

Jeff’s steadfast conservative values have proven to be a beacon of strength in times of uncertainty.  He does not waiver and speaks passionately from the heart.  I have no doubt that he will continue to advocate fiercely for our greater community’s best interests in the State Assembly.

With Jeff Pfannerstill representing District 99, we can trust that our voices will be heard and our values upheld. I urge you to join me in supporting Jeff for State Assembly, as he will undoubtedly serve us with the dedication and integrity we deserve.


Chris Adsit
School Board Member at a School District in Lake Country
Christian, Husband, Dad


Chris Adsit


Dear Jeff,
As a Conservative business owner of a small manufacturing company, Director of the Waukesha County Conservative Business Coalition, and an attentive history driven elector with both eyes open, I have been unhappy with representation and leadership in the Wisconsin legislature for some time. My discussions with you regarding your experience, leadership, fiscal restraint, limited government, Law and Order, and Liberty has given me a reason to be optimistic. Your desire to represent your constituents and not special interest groups is typical for a politician running for office. However, what separates you from the entitled politicians is your clear understanding that you are being hired to represent members of your district in Wisconsin government, and not the desires of any faction of leadership in the legislature. Having a complete understanding that your job in a representative form of government is to represent constituents is a welcomed change. Finally, your guarantee that you will work hard for us and not for the purpose of re-election, your willingness to be held accountable, and desire to report back to your constituents is the reason I am giving you my full endorsement for Wisconsin Assembly 99th District.
I wish you the best of luck and will be working hard to help you Win this seat in my district!

Kenneth Dragotta
Systems Engineering & Automation Corp

Ken Dragotta

Contribute to the Campaign

I am not doing this alone. It is only together that we will win this election. Whether it be by giving your time, talent, or dollars, we do this together. Alone you make a difference, together we make it happen!