
About Jeff Pfannerstill

  • Current Village President of Hartland, WI (since 2017)
  • WISRED Initiative 2023 Municipal Leader of the Year
  • Conservative Republican
  • Proud Father of 4 Boys
  • Helped create a law in Hartland that placed restrictions on sex offenders moving into the area
  • Keeps taxes low in Hartland and institutes new, innovative ways to get value for every dollar.
  • Currently serving as the Chairman of the Hartland Plan Commission, Board of Review, Architectural Board, and Joint Review Board since 2017
  • Restructured TIF Districts 4 & 6, saving Hartland $350,000
  • He listened to the people during COVID when others were shut down and did not cancel the fireworks or parade for the Hartland Hometown Celebration
  • Ran against a 26-year incumbent for Village President in 2017 and won

Announcement Letter

Personal Story

On June 29, 2019 the Village of Hartland, Wisconsin rededicated the Municipal Building in honor of Richard E. Landwehr for his years of service to the community. He was very influential to me and it was an honor to give a speech in honor of him.

Video of me getting interviewed at Nixon Park on CBS Hometowns

I made a decision, and I stood by it because I listened to the people and had our fireworks during COVID

A video that explains the alert I received when they were moving a new sex offender to the area and we created a moratorium preventing sex offenders, leading to a huge decrease in 4 years.

A video when I was running for my most recent term as Village President. This video explains what sparked me to become Village President in 2017, some of my accomplishments, and why I was the best candidate to keep Hartland moving forward.