
Chris Adsit


Dear Fellow District 99 Residents,

I am thrilled to personally endorse Jeff Pfannerstill for State Assembly.  As a dedicated member of our community and the current Hartland Village President, Jeff has consistently demonstrated exemplary local leadership, resilience, and a commitment to mentorship.  I have chosen to endorse Jeff because of his relentless commitment to true conservative values while respectfully remaining open to all viewpoints.  This is how I want to be represented in District 99.

During my own school board election, Jeff’s guidance and support were invaluable.  Jeff’s strategic insights were invaluable in navigating constituent outreach and addressing inquiries on a daily basis.  He’s amazing at seeing the big picture while still acting locally.  His leadership has been instrumental in keeping our taxes low, enhancing village services, and expanding our parks.  Additionally, Jeff’s efforts have played a crucial role in attracting new businesses to our area, fostering economic growth, and ensuring a vibrant future for all residents.

Jeff’s steadfast conservative values have proven to be a beacon of strength in times of uncertainty.  He does not waiver and speaks passionately from the heart.  I have no doubt that he will continue to advocate fiercely for our greater community’s best interests in the State Assembly.

With Jeff Pfannerstill representing District 99, we can trust that our voices will be heard and our values upheld. I urge you to join me in supporting Jeff for State Assembly, as he will undoubtedly serve us with the dedication and integrity we deserve.


Chris Adsit
School Board Member at a School District in Lake Country
Christian, Husband, Dad