
John Barnes

April 11, 2024
To whom it may concern,

I am writing to express support for Jeff Pfannerstill as our next State Assembly representative. Having observed him closely over the years, I am confident that he possesses the qualities and dedication necessary to serve our community effectively. In Jeff, we have a proven leader who understands the challenges facing our district and is committed to finding innovative solutions. His track record as Hartland Village President speaks for itself as he has continuously demonstrated his ability to bring people together, prioritize the needs of all constituents, and effect positive change. As our representative in the State Assembly, Jeff will advocate tirelessly for everyone in our district ensuring that our voices are heard in Madison. I urge you to join me in supporting Jeff Pfannerstill for State Assembly.

With his leadership, I am confident that we can build a brighter future for our district and beyond.


John Barnes
School Board Member at a School District in Lake Country
Oconomowoc Business Owner