
Ken Dragotta


Dear Jeff,
As a Conservative business owner of a small manufacturing company, Director of the Waukesha County Conservative Business Coalition, and an attentive history driven elector with both eyes open, I have been unhappy with representation and leadership in the Wisconsin legislature for some time. My discussions with you regarding your experience, leadership, fiscal restraint, limited government, Law and Order, and Liberty has given me a reason to be optimistic. Your desire to represent your constituents and not special interest groups is typical for a politician running for office. However, what separates you from the entitled politicians is your clear understanding that you are being hired to represent members of your district in Wisconsin government, and not the desires of any faction of leadership in the legislature. Having a complete understanding that your job in a representative form of government is to represent constituents is a welcomed change. Finally, your guarantee that you will work hard for us and not for the purpose of re-election, your willingness to be held accountable, and desire to report back to your constituents is the reason I am giving you my full endorsement for Wisconsin Assembly 99th District.
I wish you the best of luck and will be working hard to help you Win this seat in my district!

Kenneth Dragotta
Systems Engineering & Automation Corp